19. Know Your Destination
There are certain paths in life that are very clear-cut. For example, if you want to be a doctor, you go to college, then medical school, then take on a residency at a hospital. You’re a doctor. But for some career paths that are non-traditional, like a YouTuber, there is no formula that every single person can successfully follow. A lot of people have big hopes and dreams, but they give up trying because they get caught up in the “how”. Without knowing every step of the process, it can be very scary, and many people give up before they even start.

Instead of worrying so much about how to get from point A to point B, at least gauge where your destination is. Focus on that intently, and try to manifest it into reality. Soon enough, you will begin to see opportunities all around you that will help you achieve your goal. And as time goes on, you will be able to achieve your dreams as long as you never give up trying.