15. Curb Your Expectations
A lot of arguments in relationships stem from one person’s expectations of the other. This can also happen in the workplace, friendships, and many other situations. As long as you put high expectations on another person, you are bound to be disappointed. Remember that the other person cannot read your mind. They do not know what you expect from them. Even if they did, they have no obligation to obey your commands. You only have control over yourself, not other people. So while it is okay to have high expectations of yourself, doing it for things out of your control is only going to lead to disappointment.

For example, there is something called “Paris Syndrome,” which mainly affects Japanese tourists. People in Japan have hyped up their idea of Paris so much, that they truly do believe it is the “city of love.” They expect to arrive in France and magically find their one true love. But as soon as they get there, they realize it’s just a city. So they become so incredibly disappointed, it makes them feel physically sick. Compare that to someone who visits Paris with zero expectations. They are far more likely to have a great time because they will enjoy whatever happens.