25. Money Can’t Buy Happiness
“Money can’t buy happiness” is an old phrase that you have probably heard before. Money can help with a lot of things in life. There are plenty of problems that would be solved if you only had enough money to throw at the issue. However, money cannot buy love. It cannot buy true friendship, and it will not make you happy 24/7. Even the richest people in the world still have bad days and still feel disappointed and upset over things going on in their lives.

There was a study that found out that money makes you significantly happier; that is, until you earn $105,000 per year. Beyond that six-figure salary, the level of happiness pretty much stays the same. The excess material things truly doesn’t make a difference. In fact, if you are making more money, it probably means you have a ton of additional responsibilities that will add stress to your life. In the words of the Notorious B.I.G, “More money, more problems.”