5 Ways to Quickly Eliminate Swelling Under the Eyes

5 Ways to Quickly Eliminate Swelling Under the Eyes

ben August 20, 2018 0

The skin around the eyes is very sensitive and very thin, so after sleepless nights, sobbing or as a result of improper nutrition under the eyes, such unpleasant formations as swelling, swelling and bags begin to appear. Most likely, no woman has ever experienced joyful emotions when they are found on her face, so today we will tell you about the most effective folk methods for removing bags and swelling under the eyes.

How to remove swelling

1. The usual spoons will come to the rescue

Metal spoons will surely help you out in the current unpleasant situation. The metal will quickly cool the skin and narrow the blood vessels, which will lead to a decrease in swelling. It is enough to take 4 teaspoons and cool them in a glass with ice water. After 5 minutes, pull 2 ​​chilled spoons and attach them to the eyeballs to cover the swollen areas. Once these spoons are warm, change them to those that are left in the glass. Do this until you have less swelling.

5 Ways to Quickly Eliminate Swelling Under the Eyes

2. Cucumber will relieve swelling

Cucumber juice contains vitamin C and a large amount of coffee acid. These two substances can significantly reduce the scale of your swelling. For the procedure, you need to cut 2 slices of cucumber and put them on your eyelids. A good result can be seen in just 15 minutes. After cucumber therapy, we recommend washing with cool water.

3. Dairy procedures

However strange it may sound, milk is also used to eliminate bags under the eyes. To do this, you need to take milk of medium fat, fill it with a glass and place there a couple of ice cubes. After cooling, moisten a piece of cotton or a cotton pad in the milk and wipe the affected area of ​​the eyelids. The procedure can be repeated as often as you want.

5 Ways to Quickly Eliminate Swelling Under the Eyes

4. Brew chamomile or strong black tea

Green and black teas are incredibly useful not only for internal use, but also for external, cosmetic. They have tannins and caffeine in moderation. These substances favorably influence the formed swelling and contribute to their reduction. Chamomile tea is, in general, a storehouse of useful elements for the body.

To eliminate puffiness, pour 2 bags of black or chamomile tea with hot water, give them 5 minutes, then pull them out and put them on a saucer. Let it cool for a few minutes, and only then put them on your eyes and press them to make the tea come closer to the inflamed skin. Lie down for 20 minutes.

5. Do not forget about egg whites

Egg whites are often used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Even professional cosmetologists from time to time add protein to different masks, because it perfectly tones up the skin, relieves inflammation and makes the skin more elastic.

To prepare a miracle-remedy, it is necessary to whip two egg whites with a whisk or blender. The resulting mixture is applied to the problem areas of the eyelids and leave it for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with cool water.

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