by Jody Allen
Do you find yourself throwing the same items in your grocery trolley every time you go shopping, just out of habit? Yep, me too!
There are loads of items though that you can easily do without – with a bit of thought or just changing it for another product that is much more affordable. Here, I’ll show you 10 different products I refuse to buy – because dammit – I want a yearly holiday – and I’m sure you do too!
1. Fabric Softener
Fabric softener may make your clothes smell pretty, but not only can you substitute it for white vinegar (which softens the clothing just as well as fabric softener does), but adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil will make your clothing smell much nicer than fake-smelling softener. And no before you ask, it won’t make your clothes smell like a fish and chip shop (If I had a dollar for every time I’d been asked that, I’d have a nice lunch lol!). Plus vinegar is so cheap!
Savings: Ditch the fabric softener and be better off by $54 per year!

2. Rinsing Agents for the Dishwasher
Ditch the liquid you put in the dishwasher to ‘make your glasses shine!’. Instead, fill the same area with white vinegar. It works just as well. It will make your glasses shine just as bright and is also good at keeping ‘bad breath’ away from your dishwasher!
Savings: Ditch the rinse aid and make savings of $86 per year!
3. Pre-Made Pasta Sauce
Gahhh I hate pre-made pasta sauce. If you want tomato – use a tin of tomatoes with a little salt and pepper. Or even lazier – use a tin of tomato soup – super cheap, pretty good for you and delicious.

4. Paper Towels
I’m not going to lie, I do have paper towels at home — BUT — I don’t use them for cleaning. I use cloths that I use once, then throw them into the washing machine with the towels. This way, I get at least 12 uses out of every cloth – before they go to the shed and they are used in there for God knows what. I do however use paper towels to clean up dog and kid throw-up/poo — cause seriously, that is gross. I’m not a savage people!
Savings: Save up to $108 per year (but always have some on hand in case of vomit)