Coffee: The Morning Life Saver for Working Moms

Coffee: The Morning Life Saver for Working Moms

ben January 30, 2018 0

Coffee: The Morning Life Saver for Working Moms

The Rules for Making a Perfect Cup of Coffee

Coffee is the beverage that makes us most of us start working in the morning, so a great cup of coffee would be highly appreciated. If you want to learn how to prepare a perfect cup of coffee, just follow the guidelines below.

Buy whole beans

Whole beans are definitely much better than ground coffee because it still preserves the flavor and aroma of the coffee unspoiled. So, if you want to enjoy a cup of coffee that is full of taste, you need to switch to whole beans.

Keep coffee beans fresh

It is highly important to store your coffee beans appropriately if you want to enjoy the same amazing flavor each time you brew a cup of coffee. So, store your coffee beans in a container that is air-tight and opaque, not allowing light to come in, as it may spoil the flavor of the beans. Also, store the beans in a dry area.

Grind your beans with a coffee grinder

In order to take the most of your coffee beans, you need to use a special coffee grinder to grind the beans before brewing your cup of coffee. Grinding the beans right before preparing coffee will make sure that your coffee will spoil your senses with its fresh flavor. So, grind only the needed amount of coffee on the spot, as grinding the beans and not using them for a while will spoil their freshness.

Avoid buying a cheap coffee maker

Cheap coffee makers will never provide high-quality coffee, regardless of what kind of coffee beans you are buying. Because they do not meet certain characteristics, needed to brew an amazing cup of coffee, you may try using even the most expensive and you will still get a dull cup of coffee. Thus, it is much better investing in a high-quality tool if you want to enjoy the best coffee.

Keep your coffee maker machine clean

A coffee machine should be cleaned periodically, to avoid the storage of any debris or deposits on the insides of the machine. If this happens, then the quality of your coffee will be affected. The best way to do this operation is to follow the instructions of your coffee machine’s manufacturer, which can be found in the User’s Manual.

Warm your cup before Brewing

If you want to enjoy hot coffee that stays this way as long as it is possible, it is recommended to warm up your cup before pouring coffee into it. You can do so by adding boiling water to it, being careful to empty it before putting your coffee in it.

Use standard measure for brewing coffee

You can’t just use any quantity of coffee when brewing coffee, as you will never obtain the level of quality you desire. Depending on the quantity of coffee you want to brew, there are standard coffee measures you should use. Follow these measures and your cup of coffee will be just right.

Coffee/Water ratio

The coffee-to-water ratio is also extremely important. Too much water and your coffee will taste diluted. Too much coffee and it will be way too concentrated to be enjoyed. So, again, depending on the type of coffee you are using and the amount you want to brew, follow the guidelines when it comes to using the right ratio.

Brewing technique

There are various brewing techniques that can be used, depending on how you like your coffee. When looking to purchase your coffee maker, do some research to see what technique they are using, so you will know the kind of coffee they are capable of making.

Water temperature

Water temperature is another factor that influences the taste and flavor of a cup of coffee. Looking at several coffee making machines will allow you to notice that they may be using different temperatures for heating the water or they may allow you to set it yourself, depending on your personal preferences. So a bit of research before purchasing a machine is more than recommended.

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