Dlisted | Afternoon Crumbs

Dlisted | Afternoon Crumbs

ben December 28, 2017 0

Dlisted | Afternoon Crumbs

There’s a story going around that claims Disney is preparing for the Han Solo movie to flop because of the shitty script and Alden Ehrenreich’s terrible acting. Never mind that Chewbacca looks like he knows he committed career suicide by signing up for that intergalactic train wreck, I’m not sure I believe that it’s going to tank. Since when has an actor’s horrible acting kept a Star Wars movie from making hundreds of million of dollars at the box office (see: Hayden Christensen in Attack of the Clones)? – Celebitchy

That black pussy in this Charlie Hunnam video is totally  going to get death threats from his crazed fans for sharing a bed with him – Lainey Gossip 

Kandi Klaus took a break from whipping Todd in her sex dungeon to gift six families in need with Christmas presents this year – Reality Tea 

I didn’t know that what I needed in my life was a fucked-up black comedy where Nicolas Cage and Selma Blair play crazy parents who want to kill their kids, but I do – Pajiba

Lindsay Lohan got bit by a snake, and she didn’t die, but I’m sure the snake died a horrible, painful death that started with it foaming at the mouth. Serves that snake right! – Drunken Stepfather 

Thor served up some luscious meaty tittays in his dramatic Instagram selfie – Towleroad

And Demi Lovato served up squished chichis in a selfie – Hollywood Tuna 

Is Archie from Riverdale practicing for his audition for Not So Magic Mike? – OMG Blog

It’s a little strange seeing Bella Thorne not looking like a glitter-covered Electric Daisy stripper – Popoholic

True Love IS Katharine McPhee turning it up extra for the paps and David Foster looking like a confused and cold pepaw – Just Jared

Pic: Jonathan Olley/Disney

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