From year to year you promise yourself to lose weight, learn a new language, spend less and spend more time with loved ones – but plans remain plans? We will show you how to change this.
Already on January 1st, many of us took solemn vows to get rid of bad habits, spend less time on the Internet and, of course, lose weight . How to stop planning and take action – learn today.
What does science say about New Year’s resolutions?
Psychologists claim that almost half of the inhabitants of the globe give themselves New Year’s promises or formulate desires, considering this time of year the best for a serious adjustment to their plan. Most often, resolutions relate to six areas of life: career, health, love, money, leisure and learning.
By the way, the same psychologists welcome the tradition of making New Year’s resolutions to ourselves, because, unlike vague dreams, we usually formulate and promise the promise well, thereby encouraging ourselves to act. In addition, resolutions impose more responsibility on a person, because they have a “shelf life” – they must be fulfilled within a year.
How to give yourself a New Year’s resolution?
In order for everything conceived to be implemented, it is important to remember several nuances:
* Write down your oaths, dreams and plans – just saying them under the chiming clock is not enough, they should be in front of your eyes. And often check this “document” for a year. But you shouldn’t hang your “victory list for 2020” on the refrigerator – this is a blind spot that we rarely pay attention to, and most likely, by attaching your checklist, you subconsciously find the job done and calm down.
* Formulate in the affirmative and in the present tense. That is, instead of “I will not eat after 18:00” write “I weigh … kg and eat only healthy food”, and instead of “I will no longer celebrate New Year alone” – “I am in a happy relationship with the man I love” .
* Set only a real goal, which has good chances for implementation (yes, to become a prima of the Theater would probably be great, but it is unlikely to succeed if you didn’t spawn over the threshold of a ballet school. But you can do the choreography this year )
* Start the steps towards your goals the next day (if you want to meet a loved one – expand your circle of acquaintances, go on dates, want to change jobs – sign up for online courses, want to travel – start reading travel bloggers to find out good advice and so on) .
* Remember the boomerang law. The Universe loves growth, prosperity, strong life energy, therefore only wish that which will bring happiness and will not harm anyone. Both evil and good tend to return.
How to fulfill a New Year’s resolution?
It is simple to make a promise, but it is important to remember that its implementation depends not so much on the good location of the stars, but on your determination. 60-70% of people give themselves New Year’s vows or making wishes under the outbreaks of New Year’s fireworks. Be that as it may, the statistics are harsh – only 10% of them keep New Year’s resolutions, and 32% stop any attempts to change their lives by the end of January, as soon as life enters into its usual course.
By the way, recent studies have shown that willpower is not the superpowered inherent in certain lucky ones from birth, but quite a “muscle” that each of us can pump. Therefore, it is important not to think of the impossible, but to move gradually. No, you won’t start going to cross-fit six days a week if you didn’t do this before January 1st of the coming year. To get started, set a goal to go 10,000 steps a day. It is not so difficult technically, free of charge and almost always enjoys. A small, but guaranteed success is much more useful for the formation of willpower than excessive demands and expectations.
Why are my New Year’s resolutions not working?
If you repeat the same mantra from year to year – but none of the intended comes true, check principle 4 “not”:
* Do not plan what is contrary to your nature (do not wish for a dizzying career in a large corporation if you are truly happy as a free traveling artist. The same applies to the establishment of family and having children, only because “the time has come”).
* Do not set yourself the same goal that you did not achieve last year. I didn’t lose weight, I didn’t change my unloved work, I didn’t get out of a difficult relationship – stop tormenting yourself with indecision, setting your other, currently achievable goal more productively. Be kinder to yourself.
* Do not let everything drift. Create a clear step-by-step plan for achieving the goal. For example, if by the next New Year you want to lose 10 kilograms and pump up your ass, calculate how many calories you need to reduce your diet today, critically evaluate your habits and consult with a trainer about a long training program – to lose weight and tone up gradually, and not a gallop next November.
* Do not set too many goals. Adequately evaluate your strength – any big dream requires full concentration on its implementation. Caesars who are able to simultaneously build relationships, start a new business, defend their dissertation and travel are very, very few – decide on one or two priority areas and devote a year to them only.
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How do celebrities relate to New Year’s resolutions ?
Emma Watson, born in France, for many years she could not learn French, until once on New Year’s day she made herself such a resolution.
Plus size model Ashley Graham repeatedly made the New Year’s resolution not to lose weight, but to stay healthy, and so far she has managed to maintain this balance.
Halle Berry once made a loud resolution after three divorces: “No more boyfriends!” However, the actress didn’t keep this New Year’s resolution, having fallen in love with producer Alex da Kid in past summer.
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