How to create a pretty, simple holiday display (for cheap!)

How to create a pretty, simple holiday display (for cheap!)

ben December 15, 2017 0

Hey hey! Happy weekend! Any plans? We’ve got a busy, fun weekend ahead. 
This year I’ve reeeally cut down on the Christmas decor I put out, just because I didn’t want to overwhelm the house (and me) with too much so soon after moving in. But it’s surprising how so little can make the house feel so festive! 
One of my go-to’s is the simplest decor and you can add to it as you wish to dress it up. I’ve had these glass candle holders for years and use them every Christmas. (Check the end of the post to see how I’ve dressed them up over the years.) This time my plan was to leave them bare and create a candlescape on either side of our fireplace:
How to create a pretty, simple holiday display (for cheap!)
I used ten of the holders (five on each cabinet) and just placed them randomly (shortest in the front) on top. 
Then I grabbed some greenery — years back I found the BEST faux greenery at Big Lots (they don’t sell it anymore ?) and got a bunch of it. I used wire cutters to trim it up so I could place the little bunches in random spots. I use this stuff EVERY year. It looks so real!: 
How to create a pretty, simple holiday display (for cheap!)
I just placed the greenery around and in between the glass. Simple votive holders are inside, but I later removed those because they created a shadow when lit. Just put your votives inside or use fake LED candles (on a timer or remote is even better!). 
Then I just added some small red bulbs scattered throughout (I’ll show you that in a bit). I liked it with the bare candle holders but they were kind of disappearing even when lit. So I grabbed this wrapping paper I found at HomeGoods last year: 
How to create a pretty, simple holiday display (for cheap!)
I got it specifically because it looks like birch and I knew I could use it for something like this!
Just cut the pieces to size and wrap around the OUTside. I taped them along the backs. And there you go!:
How to create a pretty, simple holiday display (for cheap!)
Isn’t that pretty? SO pretty at night. And super simple and even with wrapping the paper around the holders, it hardly took any time. I wrapped them while on the phone to change a flight, so it worked out well. 😉 (If you use real candles make sure your paper doesn’t hang over the edge, especially on the short ones!)
I didn’t want much but I wanted it to be festive — and you can’t go wrong with more candlelight!:
How to create a pretty, simple holiday display (for cheap!)
Of course this is one of those where anything goes! Fill them up with various colored bulbs, snowflakes, ribbon, whatever! It will be beautiful, I promise:
How to create a pretty, simple holiday display (for cheap!)
I had some LED lights strung through there at first too, but they took away from the candlelight, so I didn’t think it needed them. 
Don’t get me wrong — I LOVE a house full of Christmas decor! I already have plans to do more next year. I’m giving myself some grace this year and yet, the places I’ve decorated have made a big impact so the house is certainly not lacking the Christmas spirit:
How to create a pretty, simple holiday display (for cheap!)
Next time you’re at Goodwill or the dollar store look out for these! You can use them SO many different ways! 
Here’s my sweater wrapped version from a couple years back:
How to create a pretty, simple holiday display (for cheap!)
These wrapped in gold and silver were a favorite! They looked so good with that mirror!:
How to create a pretty, simple holiday display (for cheap!)
I loved the snowflake versions too: 
How to create a pretty, simple holiday display (for cheap!)
And these metal candle holder wrappers can be used any time of the year: 
How to create a pretty, simple holiday display (for cheap!)
See how fun they are to dress up? They are the little black dress of holiday decor. 😉 
Do you go crazy with holiday decor or keep it simple? I find it depends on how the year has gone for me. Sometimes I’m in the mood to go crazy with it, sometimes I crave a calmer house. 
I hope to share a holiday tour of at least our family room and kitchen next week! Stay tuned for that. In the meantime, have a GREAT weekend!!


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