How To Lose Weight After The New Year Without Harm To Health?

How To Lose Weight After The New Year Without Harm To Health?

ben January 3, 2020 0

So the New Year 2020 has come. A plentiful feast is left behind, but many still eat up holiday salads and go to relatives and acquaintances, where they gather again at the table. It is not surprising if at the end of the New Year’s marathon they find a considerable increase in numbers on the scales. What to do? Of course, lose weight! If you’ve already thought about how to lose what you have eaten during the holidays, or if you set yourself the goal of building by spring, I’ll tell you how to achieve this. Read in the magazine “Furilia”:

How to lose weight after the New Year

Following these tips, you will gently but confidently return to form.

1. Set long-term goals

How To Lose Weight After The New Year Without Harm To Health?
photo: Pinterest

According to surveys, 43% of people set themselves the goal of losing weight and getting in shape in January. But the problem is that they want to lose too much and quickly, and such a solution can lead to a number of health problems (for example, stones in the gall bladder, lack of nutrients, a weakened immune system, etc.). Instead of considering weight loss as rapid weight loss, you need to treat it as a new way of life.

Fighting overweight can be a real stress for the body, and it, as you know, contributes to the collection of new kilograms! Therefore, it is important to break the long-term goal into small, achievable tasks. For example, include daily fruits in your diet. Changes in nutrition should go smoothly, say once a week. Then the risk of disappointment and the fact that you abandon the plan will be significantly reduced.

2. Drink plenty of water

How To Lose Weight After The New Year Without Harm To Health?

In attempts to lose weight, people often forget to drink enough water, but in vain. Chronic dehydration causes the heart to pump blood with effort, which can lead to an attack. Keeping a drinking balance, you will not only facilitate his work, but also partially satisfy the feeling of hunger. It has long been proven that ordinary thirst can disguise itself as a desire to urgently eat something. Nutritionists advise drinking a glass of water before sitting at the table. So you eat less and get enough faster.

3. Review your diet

How To Lose Weight After The New Year Without Harm To Health?
photo: Pinterest

If you have been on a diet at least once in your life, then you know that lost kilograms easily return as soon as you stop observing it. Starvation inhibits the metabolism, preventing weight loss. Therefore, instead of strictly restricting yourself in food, you need to reconsider your diet. Replace refined carbohydrates and animal fats with green vegetables, whole grains, fish and chicken.

And so as not to be tempted to break loose and eat something forbidden, allow yourself once or twice a week your favorite dish or treat. This way you will be less stressed. Eat fractionally and often. It is proved that people who divide the daily intake of food by 5 times more successfully maintain weight at the same level. Light, frequent snacks satisfy hunger, energize, improve mood and speed up metabolism, because the body spends calories on the digestion process.

4. Get rid of leftover food

How To Lose Weight After The New Year Without Harm To Health?
photo: Pinterest

After the New Year, the refrigerator is loaded with the remnants of holiday dishes, which your hands reach for. Nighttime snacks are especially dangerous for your health and fitness. To translate products, of course, is not good, but it is better to get rid of everything undernourished and protect yourself from the temptation. By the way, refuse to visit public places of food, where the risk of eating something forbidden increases many times. Also, do not order food at home, but cook everything yourself, even if you are tired and do not have time. Nutritionists are advised to adhere to the rule of 10 minutes. Before you rush to the refrigerator, distract yourself and occupy yourself with something. It has been proven that a craving for a snack lasts 10 minutes and then weakens. What is not a way to protect yourself from overeating?

5. Start with 10%

How To Lose Weight After The New Year Without Harm To Health?

Doctors consider it safe to lose weight by 0.5-1 kg per week, and also recommend stopping after 5 kg have been dropped. It would be more correct to maintain a new weight for six months before starting to lose weight again. Scientists have proved that people who have reduced excess weight by only 10% tend to do better in losing weight. It is the first few kilograms that we managed to get rid of that bring the greatest benefit to the body and motivate for further progress. In addition, fat begins to leave the abdomen first, which poses a great threat to health.

6. Refuse a third of food

How To Lose Weight After The New Year Without Harm To Health?

If you could not avoid lunch or dinner outside the house, use the following trick. Do not eat the whole portion, but leave 1/3 on the plate. You can ask the waiter to pack the leftovers for your dog or take it with you and eat the next day. The same rule can be followed at home. Just put a third less on your plate than you are used to. So you eat 500 calories a day less than you could.

By the way, train yourself to serve at the table. Instead of eating on the run or sitting in front of the TV screen (computer monitor), sit in the kitchen and enjoy every bite. So you will avoid thoughtless chewing and do not eat a lot of excess.

7. Increase the amount of protein

How To Lose Weight After The New Year Without Harm To Health?

A study in the UK, Denmark, Sweden, and Scotland showed that people who ate a lot of protein for breakfast or lunch had less hunger before their next meal. In addition, the body burns more calories to digest protein. But don’t be too zealous! Include cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt, chicken, turkey breast in your diet … By the way, if you still cannot refuse mayonnaise, you can replace it with salsa sauce. They are easily seasoned with salads and served with chicken and fish.

8. Eliminate alcohol and soda

How To Lose Weight After The New Year Without Harm To Health?
photo: Pinterest

Remember that alcohol contains a lot of calories. There are 150 of them in a beer mug, 85 in a glass of wine, and even more in cream cocktails and margarita. If you want to lose weight, drink water instead of alcohol. It is necessary to refuse also from sweet carbonated drinks. The fact is that they do not quench thirst at all, but they contain a lot of empty carbohydrates, provoking a set of excess weight. Drink unsweetened tea, water or freshly squeezed fruit juices, but not soda.

9. Return to sports

How To Lose Weight After The New Year Without Harm To Health?

January is the time of year when many buy a new gym membership with personal training and an all-inclusive package. And … make a big mistake! Expecting to go in for sports in the first week of the new year, they often fail. Give yourself some time! Especially if you have not practiced the last six months, and now you want to train 5 days a week. Get involved in physical activity gradually, increasing the load.

Do not be afraid to do weights. Cardio training, of course, contributes to weight loss, but working with free weights does its job, lifting and toning the body. In addition, muscle growth gradually displaces body fat, contributing to their burning.

10. Follow the progress

How To Lose Weight After The New Year Without Harm To Health?
photo: Pinterest

Weighing on the scales can not be avoided in order to understand whether you are losing weight or not, but you must do this correctly. No need to jump onto the scales every time you eat, or before eating. Do not try to show the device other numbers, changing legs on it. All this already looks like a compulsive disorder. Weigh yourself once a week and keep a diary of your achievements. This may seem silly, but in fact you will track your progress or see its absence, which will allow you to adjust your diet and physical activity. Records will help you understand where you turned off the road or what you did wrong, and fix it, especially if you come across a plateau effect.

By the way, many pursuing the desire to lose weight sooner, take special pills, but they can seriously harm your health! Before buying anything from drugs, be sure to consult your doctor.

11. Sleep, relax and relax

How To Lose Weight After The New Year Without Harm To Health?

It has long been proven that lack of sleep provokes weight gain. Therefore, promise yourself in the new year to get enough sleep. So you will avoid a jump in cortisol – the stress hormone, because of which the body begins to save energy and calorie consumption. On the way to the cherished goal of losing weight, you will surely encounter mistakes. This is normal! Do not reproach yourself for failures. Move slowly but surely, returning to the point where you left off.

After a break on one of the days, practice hard the next morning and return to the mode. Scientists say that women often seize stress with fatty foods. The combination of insulin with cortisol leads to the fact that the body begins to accumulate fat in case of hunger strike. If you cannot reduce stress in your life, do yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises.

12. Tune in to positive and don’t stop

How To Lose Weight After The New Year Without Harm To Health?
photo: Pinterest

Experts say the main reason for overeating is low self-esteem. Learn to focus on your strengths, not weaknesses. Wear clothing in size, but one that will emphasize your appeal. Keep an eye on your hair, apply makeup and do what makes you beautiful in your own eyes.

By the way, as soon as you reach your goal and lose weight, do not stop. Set a goal to lead a healthy lifestyle in general. This will require courage, willpower and preparedness for failure. But this way you are more likely to save and consolidate the result that you have achieved, and this is already a lot!

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