Hyaluronic Hydrolate – The Perfect Moisturizer For Any Skin Type

Hyaluronic Hydrolate – The Perfect Moisturizer For Any Skin Type

ben November 5, 2019 0

Hyaluronic Hydrolate – the perfect moisturizer for any skin type

Hyaluronic Hydrolate – The Perfect Moisturizer For Any Skin TypeHow can you pamper your skin in the summer heat or in winter, when the air in the room is especially dry, and on the street your face is stressed due to severe frost? Of course, you can make a nourishing and moisturizing mask, but this will take time, in addition, the cream makes the skin heavier, so you can’t apply it several times a day. There is a solution that is suitable for skin of any type and age, it is a natural plant hydrolyte.

Hyaluronic Hydrolate It is made on a water basis, while preservatives are not used in the manufacturing process, therefore it is very well absorbed by the skin and does not cause irritation.

What is hyaluronic hydrolate?

Hydrolate is a condensate obtained from the production of essential oils. That is, the distillate is completely free of oils, but contains all the bioactive substances of a particular plant. This product is unusually light, it absolutely does not weigh down the skin and does not clog pores. On the contrary, when applying hyaluronic hydrolyte, you can feel how each cell breathes and renews, the face becomes unusually moisturized, pleasant to the touch.

Using hydrolyte is very simple. Often this cosmetic product is produced in small containers with a convenient dispenser-dispenser, with which it is easy to distribute the composition over the face, neck, arms and body. But do not forget that the hair needs good hydration no less than the skin, so in the summer heat, it is necessary to periodically spray on curls.

You can also make special masks and nourishing lotions for skin, hair, and nails on the basis of hydrolyte at home.

What are the hydrolates and how to choose the right one

Hyaluronic hydrolytes are made from different plants, the color, smell, and properties of the cosmetic composition depend on this. When choosing a product, individual preferences and skin type must be taken into account. For normal skin, you should pay attention to hydrolate:

  • daisies;
  • verbena;
  • lavender;
  • calendula
  • green tea.

The above formulations maintain the tone of the dermis, maintain elasticity, moisturize it, and refresh.

Hyaluronic hydrolyte will help problem skin:

  • lemon balm;
  • peppermint;
  • rosemary;
  • tea tree;
  • chamomile officinalis.

To slow down the aging process, it is recommended to daily treat age skin with hyalurate, which improves metabolic processes, restores cellular respiration, tightens aging skin, makes it more elastic, prevents wrinkles. This tool can be made from:

  • roses;
  • lemon balm;
  • ginseng;
  • lime
  • lavender.

Effectively moisturizes distillates that are too dry and prone to peeling:

  • jasmine
  • roses;
  • ylang ylang.

All these remedies protect the cells of the dermis from moisture loss, refresh, help to get rid of the feeling of tightness, peeling, discomfort.

Hydrolates that regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and restore the acid-base balance will be useful for oily skin:

  • sage;
  • rosemary;
  • wormwood;
  • lemon balm;
  • pine trees;
  • neroli;
  • peppermint.

Properly selected for the skin type, the hydrolyte will act more efficiently, so that you can get the maximum benefit from its use.

How to choose a quality hyaluronic hydrolate

Before buying a care product, be sure to study the composition on the label. If the base is water, it is an aqueous solution that is not as useful as hydrolyte. The composition must necessarily indicate such an ingredient as “hydrolyte” (“distillate”).

Hyaluronic Hydrolate is a natural product with a limited shelf life. Therefore, if the composition has an expiration date of more than 2-3 years. it is better to avoid such a purchase.

(Featured image wallhere.com)

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