Learn Your Celtic Zodiac Sign According To The Horoscope Of The Ancient Celts

Learn Your Celtic Zodiac Sign According To The Horoscope Of The Ancient Celts

ben February 9, 2020 0

Learn Your Celtic zodiac sign according to the horoscope of the ancient Celts. The ancient Celts believed in an inextricable connection with nature and animals. The noise of the forest reminded them of breath. Their eyes sparkled like bird feathers, and their hearts beat in time with the wild beasts inhabiting the dense thickets. The full moon of each month was associated with this people with the personality of a certain animal, and today in the journal “Furilia” I’ll tell you:

Who are you according to the horoscope of the ancient Celts

Find your date of birth and find out what qualities you possess.

Deer (December 24 – January 20)

Learn Your Celtic Zodiac Sign According To The Horoscope Of The Ancient Celts
photo: depositphotos.com

You are a purposeful person and have high ideals. The Deer sign helps you in all your endeavors and new projects. You are meticulous, patient and persistent, therefore guaranteed to achieve success. While others give up, Deer, as they say, go ahead and take their own. Noble by nature, you are endowed with pride and royal manners. However, you do not behave arrogantly, but believe in hard work and honesty, which are your hallmarks.

Cat (January 21 – February 17)

Learn Your Celtic Zodiac Sign According To The Horoscope Of The Ancient Celts
photo: depositphotos.com

This animal endows people born under its auspices, intelligence, ingenuity and speed of thinking. You have not only mental abilities, but also intuition. You have an unconventional view of things, you are attracted to projects where new perspectives are required. You are friendly and humane, which makes you an attractive person in the eyes of others. Like real Cats, you like to stay away and watch what is happening. You are a very creative, artistic person and need an environment in which you can show these qualities.

Snake (February 18 – March 17)

Learn Your Celtic Zodiac Sign According To The Horoscope Of The Ancient Celts
photo: depositphotos.com

Outwardly cold, you are infinitely alive inside. Curiosity is your hallmark. You have a lot of questions and you want to know how the world and people work. Snakes are natural leaders and have the ability to convince others. Carried away by business, you can infect with enthusiasm all around, and attract to your team. You are a spontaneous and unpredictable person, you know how to maneuver and love to do everything in your own way. Making you collaborate is virtually impossible, unless you yourself express a desire.

Fox (March 18 – April 14)

Learn Your Celtic Zodiac Sign According To The Horoscope Of The Ancient Celtsphoto: depositphotos.com

You are cunning, energetic, indomitable, shine with your mind and have a sense of humor. Love adventures and exotic vacations. You are a good storyteller, each of which is based on your personal experience. Behind the jokes and playful temperament of the Fox is often a tender, vulnerable heart that they open to few. You are a devoted person. In your face, people find a friend for life. Courage and indomitable spirit are what distinguishes you from others.

Bull (April 15 – May 12)

Learn Your Celtic Zodiac Sign According To The Horoscope Of The Ancient Celtsphoto: depositphotos.com

You are a strong, passionate, stable and reliable person. People often seek your comfort, ask for your opinion, and ask for advice. You see liars per kilometer and you rarely manage to deceive. You have intuition, and being in a bad mood or under the influence of emotions, you can lead people astray. You are honest and stubborn, have a good taste in clothing and interior design. People are drawn to you because you are a reliable person and know how to keep secrets.

Seahorse (May 13 – June 9)

Learn Your Celtic Zodiac Sign According To The Horoscope Of The Ancient Celtsphoto: depositphotos.com

You are a flexible and inventive person. Your mind attracts to you those who want to learn how to manage their finances and settle their legal affairs. You have a good memory and fast thinking, which is why many do not keep up with your thoughts. Sea Skates are distinguished by charisma and the ability to adapt to any environment and circumstances. You are charming and love to be admired, reciprocating with the love shown towards you.

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Wren (June 10 – July 7)

Learn Your Celtic Zodiac Sign According To The Horoscope Of The Ancient Celts
photo: depositphotos.com

You are open to new perspectives and contracts. You are a caring person, you support your friends and relatives in every possible way. You remain calm where others are nervous. People like you want to see others around you at the time of the crisis. The circumstances do not break you. You know what you want and how to achieve it. Work best alone. You are a highly moral and responsible person. As leaders at work and in society, wrens strive for balance. They like to travel abroad and sometimes lead a nomadic lifestyle, although it is not associated with them.

Horse (July 8 – August 4)

Learn Your Celtic Zodiac Sign According To The Horoscope Of The Ancient Celts
photo: depositphotos.com

You are a quick-tempered, unrestrained and strong person who knows how to make money. Competitiveness is in your blood, and that’s good. You have many talents and self-confidence, which allows you to build a successful business. You feel how to build a strategy, as if you own an internal compass. You are sociable and attractive. You can make a good speaker out of you, because for many you are an authority and a leader. Horses succeed in leadership positions, but can also act as assistants if their talent is valued according to their merits and generously paid. Courage and stubbornness are your hallmarks.

Fish (August 5 – September 1)

Learn Your Celtic Zodiac Sign According To The Horoscope Of The Ancient Celtsphoto: depositphotos.com

You are an intuitive, dreamy person who is constantly looking for inspiration. Pisces has its own unique vision of the world, so artists and poets are often born under this sign. Sometimes you are so deeply immersed in your thoughts that it is difficult for others to understand where you are. You need silence and solitude, doing introspection in order to return to society to dazzle him with your insight and mind.

Swan (September 2 – September 29)

Learn Your Celtic Zodiac Sign According To The Horoscope Of The Ancient Celtsphoto: depositphotos.com

You are a spiritually developed and eloquent person who prefers to be alone. You have high demands, good taste and craving for the beautiful. You are refined and noble, like a swan. You know how to love and have passion in a relationship. Your composure is often mistaken for coldness, but it is not. You are aristocratic by nature, demanding even by little things and know how to achieve what you want. In general, Swans are extremely insightful, organized, and stylish.

Butterfly (September 30 – October 27)

Learn Your Celtic Zodiac Sign According To The Horoscope Of The Ancient Celtsphoto: depositphotos.com

You love friends and parties. Constantly keep in touch with loved ones. You are one of those who always speaks on the phone and can do nothing about it. You like to dream, share your ideas and plans with friends. You are a bright personality who brightens up a cloudy day and makes it more joyful. Know how to sympathize, so never harm others. Easily get together with people and love to delight them. People around you understand how wonderful life can be.

Wolf (October 28 – November 24)

Learn Your Celtic Zodiac Sign According To The Horoscope Of The Ancient Celtsphoto: depositphotos.com

You are a brave, purposeful and courageous person who rarely compromises. You are not accustomed to backing down and accepting less than you deserve. Those around you are amazed at your inner strength and energy. Wolves are hardy, no test will break them. Honor is their middle name.

You have an impeccable character. You have a strong will and often stay alone. But this does not mean that you do not like friends and companies, where you are often called.

Falcon (November 25 – December 23)

Learn Your Celtic Zodiac Sign According To The Horoscope Of The Ancient Celtsphoto: depositphotos.com

If you want something, then strive to achieve your goal all the forces. And vice versa, you cannot be forced to do what you are not interested in. You have wisdom and share it with others. You are a generous person, philanthropist. In life, appreciate balance and the inner compass rarely fails you. Falcons are devoid of prejudice and love to philosophize. They all have their own personal opinions, but this does not mean that they cannot be convinced.

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