19. Lovely Job of Lying
So, she and I had been having issues for about 2 years. It started out slow, like we’d fight once a month over stupid little things and sometimes big things. I figured it was normal growing pains of a relationship after a year. It kept getting worse though. She wanted to fight over every single little thing. I eventually told her I was going to get her an iPhone for her birthday. As a college student, I couldn’t afford a new one, but I wanted to get her a nice used iPhone 4 since the 5 had already come out and I could afford one.
Well, she freaked out asking if I thought she wasn’t good enough for the iPhone 5. These are the kinds of little things she wanted to fight about. If I told her I loved her 5 times that day she’d be upset that it wasn’t 6 times. I kid you not. Well, finally I’m fed up with it. So, I end up getting mad one day and just going home since I had a quiz to study for and some exams. I told her not to talk to me for a few days and let me figure things out on my own. That wasn’t good enough for her though, as she chose to keep emailing me and calling me and texting me. She messaged my siblings trying to find out what I was doing at all times (despite not living at home and them not knowing).
Finally, Sunday rolls around. I’m sick and tired of getting emails and texts and whatever. I end up finally picking one up to tell her to leave me alone because I hadn’t in a day or so and I was tired of my phone blowing up. I answer and say, “Hey.”
She responds, “coltsblazers, I think someone is chasing me.”
Then she hangs up. So, what would you do? Would you drive the 30 minutes out to her house to find her and make sure she’s, okay? Would you call the cops and give all her information, description, address, etc?
If you said yes, then you did exactly what I did. I started getting really creepy texts from her cell phone. Texts asking me, “DO YOU WANT HER BACK?” “SHE LOOKED LONELY.” I’m terrified that they’re going to kill her, beat her, rape her, all of the above. I’m driving 80 MPH on the back roads trying to get to her house from my school. I get a call from the cops asking me if I thought it, was a prank. All I could say was, “God, I hope not.”
I get to her town and I’m looking all around for her. She finally calls me and says they let her go. I tell her I’m in her town and ask her where she is. She just tells me not to worry about it and go home. I’m confused about it but keep pressing. She finally tells me where she is. I pick her up and say we’re going to talk to the cops. She tells me that she can’t and she wants to go home. Well, the cops are already at her home waiting for us when we get there. I’m terrified that they raped her or did some other horrible things to her.
The officer talks to her alone for about 15 minutes. Comes back to me and hands me his card asking me to call him when we’re done talking. So, I sit down with my girlfriend and ask her what happened. The first words out of her mouth were, “coltsblazers, would you be mad if I told you I lied?”
Eventually, she admitted she lied. I got up, had a few choice words, and left. Went back the following week to give her some of her stuff. Told her not to call me or email me or talk to me ever again. That’s right. She faked her own kidnapping.