21. A Terrible Situation
Girl, I had thing for in high school and I start dating, the distance thing which is a mistake. Things are fine for a bit, she moves, tells me she’s working as a nurse, etc. Living with some friend of hers. I think this is all good. Then a couple of months later she tells me that she’s really scared. She thinks she’s pregnant. I have not had sex with her. I ask her what happened, she says she got drunk at a club and took a guy home. The condom broke. I’m pissed, but I’ve got it so bad for this girl I stay with her (I had it really bad).
A month or so later, she calls and says she wants to tell me “The truth.” The friend she had been living with was someone she had met online for the purpose of sex. Female friend, by the way. They moved in together and she started working for her friend’s business, not as a nurse. What did her friend do? Run an escort service. She had been working as an escort for the last few months. The pregnancy scare was not some drunken shenanigan at the club, that was one of her clients. This client, she told me, told her to keep it quiet cause his kid was upstairs napping, and to make it quick because his wife would be home soon. She then er*tic massaged him and f**ked him.
But wait, there’s more. I am in shock and tell her I’ll call her back. A friend of mine slaps some sense into me and tells me to never speak with her again, she’s just bad news. I call her and say I don’t want to talk to her anymore. I proceed to get dozens of calls and texts with the same message, “Pick up your phone or I am driving out to Kansas and I will kill you.” I didn’t, and I’m still here, so at least there’s that.
Finally, she told me years later that she was full-on lesbian and was using me as her beard anyway.