22. What just happened?
We had been together for 4 years and were happily engaged, or so I thought. I came home to find a good deal of our shared things missing. Even worse, nearly everything else that wasn’t missing was burned, but not like the room was set on fire…the item was individually burned and then placed back in their spots. What the F right?
She came out of the kitchen irate, screaming about how she didn’t feel the same, that somehow our relationship had become strange to her. She was angry that neither of us was sticking to the rules that we had laid out together, and that she needed a full commitment. I was flabbergasted. I told her she’d never be able to find another guy who could reach her on the lever that I could, that could tell her just how I was feeling without words. I knew, somehow, I had to make her understand.
She paused and took a deep breath, and gave me the ring back. After staring at it in my open palm, she exploded into a fit of rage. She ran around the living room table in this wild, demonic tirade. She disappeared into the kitchen for a second and came out with a cake right out of the oven. I was so confused but never would have guessed that she’d throw the hot dessert against my face. I couldn’t stop crying. Almost as quickly as she started this trance-like behavior she stopped, stared at me straight in my eyes, and with the coldest, scariest voice, said, “Just kidding. I love you.”
I was so hurt by the whole thing.