Simple Chakra Test To Reveal The Secrets Of Your Soul

Simple Chakra Test To Reveal The Secrets Of Your Soul

ben March 15, 2020 0

Simple Chakra Test To Help Reveal The Secrets Of Your Soul. The stranger’s soul is dark, as popular wisdom says! And you can’t argue with that. Sometimes a person himself cannot understand what is going on in his soul, what experiences do not give him peace of mind. What can we say about strangers.

Moreover, not every person can fully open up and make it clear to others what secrets his soul keeps. And many are simply excellent actors. They can smile, have fun, and in their hearts cats scratch at that moment.

If you want to understand yourself and reveal the secrets of your soul, then we suggest you take a psychological test with chakras.

Look at 7 colorful chakras and tell me which one you liked more than others

Simple Chakra Test To Reveal The Secrets Of Your Soul
Simple Chakra Test To Reveal The Secrets Of Your Soul

The chosen shape and color will tell about your experiences and give you practical advice.

If you have chosen the yellow chakra

You have entrusted your life to circumstances. At the moment, you decided not to take any action and just go with the flow. And where it will lead you, you yourself do not know yet. And all because you decided to completely trust in fate.

Tip: You must find yourself. And for this, it will not be superfluous to find a hobby for interests. Usefully spend time and at the same time get distracted.

If your choice is the orange chakra

The other time, you have been very disappointed with the opposite sex. This has left its mark on your life and attitude towards it. Therefore, now you are resting from a relationship and do not want to make friends with anyone.

Tip: Spend time on your beloved and take care of your appearance. Change requires your heart!

If you chose the blue chakra

Now you feel how your creativity is slowly but surely dying away, leaving nothing behind. You have lost inspiration, and you do not understand where you should go next.

Tip: To get inspiration again, spend more time on the move. And if you sit in one place, idly by, then in life nothing interesting awaits you.

If you chose the purple chakra

There has been too much anger and frustrating situations in your life lately. It has a depressing effect on you.

Tip: It’s time for you to take your mind off and occupy your head with more positive thoughts. If you hold a grudge against someone, forgive and let go of the situation. You’ll see how it immediately becomes easier for you.

If you chose green chakra

You are used to going into yourself and hiding everything that you feel from others. You are much more comfortable to be alone with yourself.

Tip: Devote time to relatives and family, go with them to nature, develop. Do not close yourself from everyone and go into yourself! Otherwise, the problem can only get worse!

If you chose the pink chakra

You were so striving for perfection and trying to create a new version of yourself that you were apparently tired and stopped in personal self-development.

Tip: If you want to return to the track, then resume physical and mental training. Otherwise, you risk losing everything that has been developed over the years.

If your choice is a red chakra

Now, inconstancy reigns in your life. But you love stability so much.

Tip: Take care of your home comfort. When everything is in its place and arranged on shelves, stability will return to your life again.

And what do you think, the test result coincided with what you are experiencing now in real life?

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