Smoothness Itself: choosing the best hair removal method for the first time. Is It Possible To Permanently Remove Hair?

Smoothness Itself: choosing the best hair removal method for the first time. Is It Possible To Permanently Remove Hair?

ben January 25, 2020 0

Salons offer a large list of procedures for removing unwanted hairs. Which one to choose? “Furilia” will help determine the best hair removal method and answer the question if it’s possible to permanently remove hair?

Smoothness Itself: choosing the best hair removal method for the first time. Is It Possible To Permanently Remove Hair?Is it possible to permanently remove hair?Photo:

Unwanted vegetation on the body is poisoning the life of more than one woman, however, it is not so easy to find a way that will eliminate hair forever. Beauticians offer a large number of procedures that can mislead those who have never resorted to salon services. We will tell you how hair removal methods differ, thereby helping you make the choice in favor of the procedure that suits you the most.


Smoothness Itself: choosing the best hair removal method for the first time. Is It Possible To Permanently Remove Hair?
Electrolysis hair removal method


How does this method work? It’s simple: the master inserts a needle into the hair follicle, which is destroyed by the current. Then the master removes hair with tweezers without much effort. Most importantly, the hair should come out easily, without pulling. Otherwise, the hair will grow back. The procedure is considered obsolete, but at the same time, it copes with hairs that cannot be removed by other methods. In addition, the procedure is not too painful, since at the very beginning the skin is treated with lidocaine, however, many women still experience discomfort. Nevertheless, electrolysis is one of the most effective ways to remove hair.

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Laser hair removal

Unlike the previous procedure, this method is less painful, since there is no mechanical effect on the skin. The hair follicle is destroyed by laser exposure. The hairs subsequently remain on the surface of the skin, most importantly, do not touch them for several weeks, they must fall out on their own. The procedure lasts a maximum of 40 minutes if you are planning a complete hair removal of the legs. Not so long.

However, there are certain contraindications to the procedure: oncology, breastfeeding, pregnancy, a large number of moles, herpes.

If you decide on a procedure, choose a professional who will have a laser hair removal session without any consequences for you, after all, the procedure is not so harmless.


Smoothness Itself: choosing the best hair removal method for the first time. Is It Possible To Permanently Remove Hair?
Photoepilation hair removal method


Another great and almost painless way to get rid of hair, however you should be patient. The essence of the procedure is that the hair follicle is “killed” even in its infancy, after which the hair falls out on its own. The procedure is very popular with dark-haired girls, whose hairs on the body are much tougher than with blondes. It is important to consider that a full course of photoepilation will take about six months. Are you ready to be patient?

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Sugar Hair Removal

Smoothness Itself: choosing the best hair removal method for the first time. Is It Possible To Permanently Remove Hair?
Sugar Hair Removal, photo:

Better known as shugaring. Of course, this method will not save you hair forever, but due to its wide availability and a small list of contraindications, the procedure is very popular. The master applies a thick sugar paste to the required area of ​​the skin, after the paste has hardened, it is removed along with unnecessary hairs. The main disadvantage of shugaring can be considered the requirements for the procedure: get ready for the fact that the hairs will have to be grown for several weeks, which may affect the frequency of your romantic meetings with your beloved man.

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