Summer Body: 9 habits that you need to give up immediately. The onset of spring makes many of us think about putting our body in order. And before resorting to the help of various diets, it would be more logical to review their food habits that can lead to weight gain and poor health. What habits should be left in the past?
1. The habit of neglecting breakfast
To start your body and set it up to work properly throughout the day, do not give up breakfast. At the same time, breakfast is not a cookie with coffee, but a full meal rich in protein and long-term carbohydrates. Only in this way can one hold out until dinner without being distracted by snacks. By dinner, hunger should be moderate so as not to attack food.
2. Excess sugar
If you exclude excess sugar from drinks – tea, coffee, water – you can achieve effective results in weight loss. And for drinks to be tasty, give up instant coffee and cheap tea leaves. Good drinks are rich in aroma, and they don’t need sugar. Over time, the receptors will become accustomed and will not cause a desire to add a sweetener.
3. Habit of seizing stress
Food helps to cope with bad mood and the effects of stress. The brain gives the command – if you feel bad, eat, preferably, high-calorie carbohydrate foods., Which increase blood sugar and give quick pleasure. It is better to replace this habit with physical activity. Is sad Squat or mine floors. When there is no strength to fight appetite, take vegetables or fruits.
4. Eat everything with bread
Bread adds calories to the diet, but it is not always necessary. Eating all food with bread is just a habit, which will take some time to get rid of. Bread swells in the stomach and creates additional satiety. It is better to replace it with an additional portion of vegetables rich in vitamins and fiber.
5. Dessert before meal
Having a dessert without a main meal is a bad habit. Dessert will give a surge of energy, but at the same time it is a fairly high-calorie solution to the problem. Most often, after a full lunch or dinner, the craving for sweets disappears, and the food eaten gives energy for a longer time.
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6. Eat on the run
Not thoughtful food on the run, endless snacks – the road to excess weight. The brain does not control the calorie content of the diet and does not have time to correctly process the signals of hunger and satiety. Long breaks in food lead to the fact that the body begins to put off in reserve. You need to break this vicious circle and set aside time in your regime for full meals.
7. Eat before bedtime
A hearty dinner before bedtime will provide you with a restless night and stomach discomfort. During sleep, all metabolic processes slow down, and food digests poorly. This is especially true for heavy meat. One will have to get rid of this habit with a great effort of will.
8. Have a screen
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When watching a series or a computer game, food is absorbed much worse. Chewing and swallowing of food is disrupted, which leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The brain is distracted by a vivid picture and forgets to signal saturation. This is the most common cause of weight gain, and this habit should be urgently eliminated.
9. Drink little water
Often, hunger is confused with thirst. Water improves metabolism and improves the processing of food entering the body, improves intestinal motility. An hour before the main meal should drink a glass of clean still water.
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