Handbags tend to be one of those items you think really carefully about for weeks, making “safe” purchases and telling yourself that the cost-per-wear makes your splurge justifiable. But instead of sensible black tote bags, in 2018, we’ll all be craving sugary pastel colours. They won’t go with everything and won’t be as hard-wearing as your black shoulder bag, but when they look this pretty, quite frankly, who cares?
Pastels are one of the biggest colour trends for next season, and Net-a-Porter Fashion Director Lisa Aiken said she’s most excited about the way this has translated into bags, as the retailer has heavily backed pale-blue and soft-pink bags. Acne Studios is launching its first handbag collection using its signature Acne pink, which Aiken says actually sells better than black, white or grey in clothing. The handbag brands that you see almost every day on your Instagram feed, including Wandler, Staud, Yuzefi and Manu Atelier, are also behind the pastel bag movement, using lemon, pistachio, peach and many more.
Keep scrolling to shop our edit of the best pastel handbags around.