Maybe for some, at first glance, it will not sound quite usual, but many personality traits are literally encrypted in the date of birth. The last digit of the year is especially significant.
The whole period in which man was born plays a huge role in the subsequent life. But learning a lot about his character is easier by analyzing the hidden meaning of the digit at which the year of birth ends. Why this is happening explains Furilia.
Digit meaning
Each digit corresponds to a specific element – one in five:
A tree
It is on it you can learn a lot about the character of a person, his hobbies, habits and many other things. So, take a look at the value of the latest digit of your year of birth.
Element 1: Metal (0.1)

The metal, which was born under the protection of the elements, is solid and has a special concentration. They know what they really want and do their best to achieve their ambitious goals. They want to be surrounded by permanence and love. The disadvantages include too strong a desire for power and material well-being up to luxury, as well as a penchant for stubbornness.
Element 2: Water (2,3)

Such people have innate strong empathy and natural charm. They are very resourceful and have a fantastic imagination. This makes them capable of achieving huge successes in their creative careers. In those who are patronized by the element of water, unusually developed intuition, they are able to pay attention to even the smallest details.
Element 3: Tree (4,5)

Those who are born under the elements of a tree are confident, persistent, diligent and never act in the name of selfish purposes. They are great originals, always strive to acquire more practical experience, and the main dream – to explore the whole world and find in it a lot of new and interesting. They are attracted to unexplored places and mysteries of nature.
Element 4: Fire (6,7)

Born under the protection of fire – real adventurers, seeking to devote their lives to travel around the world. They feel great even in the most unexpected situations and never lose their benevolence and optimism.
Element 5: Earth (8,9)

The earth helps those who are patronized, generate new ideas and seek the strength and means to achieve important goals. They carefully think about what they want to do and do not welcome impulsive actions. But sometimes they lack self-discipline, and sometimes they suffer from fear of the unknown.