Turn on the “SUMMER” Mode) 10 Tips for Hot Everyday Life

Turn on the “SUMMER” Mode) 10 Tips for Hot Everyday Life

ben June 8, 2018 0

Turn on the “SUMMER” Mode) 10 Tips for Hot Everyday Life. At last the long-awaited summer has come! As it is sung in one song: “Summer is a small life.”

Surviving the summer

Of course summer is a special, favorite season, its pros can be listed endlessly. But the heat and the scorching sun bring a lot of problems.

Get rid of wet spots

Turn on the “SUMMER” Mode) 10 Tips for Hot Everyday Life

Wet spots

When the street is 30 degrees hot, no matter how hard you try, you’ll have to sweat … The wet tracks on the clothes look like very unattractive and create the impression of an untidy person.

  • You can avoid this problem by attaching a daily gasket to the inside of your clothes.) Make sure that it does not stick out around the edges and boldly go under the summer sun!

But this method will work if the sleeve is not too short.

glasses do not slip

Turn on the “SUMMER” Mode) 10 Tips for Hot Everyday Life


There is only one problem with glasses – they continually strive to crawl from the face when we bend over, jump, run …

  • Put on mini-rubber bands it is easy to find in any canter-goods store. Attach them and you will notice an obvious difference!

Tonal base

Turn on the “SUMMER” Mode) 10 Tips for Hot Everyday Life

Bronzer will help

In summer, the skin tans all the time, the complexion becomes darker and darker. How to be with tonal basis? Is it ever infinite to buy a new suitable tone?

  • Calm! Just buy a bronzer for your face and add it to your tonalku! Before application, shake it thoroughly so that the tone is uniform.

Dirt-impermeable cover)

Turn on the “SUMMER” Mode) 10 Tips for Hot Everyday Life

Phone protected

To protect the phone from dirt, sand and water, while relaxing on the beach – put it in such a plastic bag.

  • The film is thin enough so you can fully use it!

In Place!

Turn on the “SUMMER” Mode) 10 Tips for Hot Everyday Life

In Place

Dresses with open shoulders – at the peak of popularity, best of all they look with a strapless bra. Besides, so your shoulders are sunbathing without any white stripes there.

But they have a problem with such bras – they keep slipping down …

  • To forget about this problem once and for all, buy a silicone bra. It is absolutely undetectable under clothes and thanks to a special glue, it sits securely on your chest.)

The Marilyn Monroe Effect

Turn on the “SUMMER” Mode) 10 Tips for Hot Everyday Life

From the Wind

Have you had to give up your favorite dress because of too windy weather? Now you can forget about this problem!

  • Just sew in the bottom seam of the coin skirt. This weighting agent will no longer make you feel Marilyn.)

Aloe vera + ice

Turn on the “SUMMER” Mode) 10 Tips for Hot Everyday Life


If you have already burned in the sun, your skin will be helped by the miraculous aloe juice! If the burns are very strong, it’s better to use the cubes of frozen aloe juice. Ice will greatly alleviate suffering and relieve heat from the affected skin.

Coconut for hair

Turn on the “SUMMER” Mode) 10 Tips for Hot Everyday Life

Coconut for hair


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Sea and river water often make our hair dry and dull. To avoid this, before you go to bathe, brush the hair with coconut oil.

  • It will not only give a beautiful natural shine, but also protect your hair from hard water. The same works with the pool, because there is a lot of chlorine! Use this advice.)

Summer Coffee)

Turn on the “SUMMER” Mode) 10 Tips for Hot Everyday Life


The hot drinks in the summer should go to the background. After all, on hot days, you want to drink something cold, refreshing and invigorating …

  • Coffee with ice is an excellent alternative! If you like a strong drink and do not want to dilute it with ice, just freeze the finished coffee!

So you will have coffee with coffee ice.) As with the real coffeeman! The charge of vigor and freshness is assured to you.

Rejoice in the summer sun!)

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