WHO Are Celebrities Who Have Removed Their Ribs Trying To Achieve An Ideal Body!

WHO Are Celebrities Who Have Removed Their Ribs Trying To Achieve An Ideal Body!

ben January 26, 2020 0

Not only ordinary women, but also celebrities want to have an elegant figure. But by nature, not everyone got a thin waist, so many ladies go for a complicated operation to remove the ribs. In the world of celebrity, such surgical changes in appearance are considered quite a common way to get a beautiful body. Many consciously take risks, trying to achieve an ideal body. The hourglass silhouette has long been called the most attractive type of female figure. Therefore, the operation to remove the ribs and has become popular among celebrities. So do you want to know WHO Are Celebrities Who Have Removed Their Ribs Trying To Achieve An Ideal Body?

A bit of history

The thin waist came into fashion in the middle of the XVIII century, when the ladies of high society and subsequently commoners began to pull the waist into special designs – corsets. They very strongly compressed the internal organs, and because of this, the ladies simply did not have enough space in the lungs for breathing. Fainting over corsets in those days was considered commonplace. These accessories used to be available mainly to wealthy people, but now anyone can buy them. But still, wearing a corset is extremely inconvenient, so some ladies prefer using the operation once and for all to find a wasp waist.

Dita Von Teese

WHO Are Celebrities Who Have Removed Their Ribs Trying To Achieve An Ideal Body!
                                   Celebrities Who Have Removed Their Ribs
photo: pinterest.com

The German burlesque star and actress delights crowds of men and makes women envious of her appearance. Dita has the usual height, but her figure is so elegant that it resembles a work of art. Thanks to several plastic surgeries, Dita managed to achieve an incredibly thin waist. In public, the star constantly wears corsets and tries to lead a sporty lifestyle by monitoring nutrition and regularly visiting the gym. Even a breakup with Marilyn Manson did not change her habits in the field of self-care. On the contrary, fans noted that she became even more beautiful, despite her age.

Marilyn Monroe

WHO Are Celebrities Who Have Removed Their Ribs Trying To Achieve An Ideal Body!

photo on collectors.com

The famous Hollywood beauty performed an operation to remove the ribs when the thin waist was just beginning to enter the standards of fashion. In numerous photos of the star, you can see how her figure changed due to the intervention of stylists and plastic surgeons. Nature gave Monroe a silhouette with rounded shapes, and it took a lot of effort to adjust the body to the desired size of 90-60-90. The actress also wore corsets, which further emphasized the contrast of the waist and hips.

Demmy Moor

WHO Are Celebrities Who Have Removed Their Ribs Trying To Achieve An Ideal Body!
photo on eonline.com

Evil tongues say that Demi has invested more than $ 200,000 in her beauty. Perhaps they are right, because this actress throughout her career sought to look perfect. She went for many plastic surgeries for liposuction, facelifts, rhinoplasty and even knee shape correction. But the biggest sacrifice in favor of beauty was the removal of ribs and breast augmentation, which allowed Demi to look irresistible in the film “Strip”. The figure of Moore has been repeatedly recognized as one of the most beautiful and attractive in Hollywood. And now she will give odds to many young aspiring actresses.

Lady Gaga

An extravagant singer is constantly looking for new stage images. In the last couple of years, she changed stylists and gradually comes to a better image, leaving in the past a freaky lady from the planet Sirius. The singer has repeatedly made surgical changes to her figure, achieving the perfect look of her face and body. She did liposuction, adjusting the shape of her cheekbones and oval face. And the operation to remove the ribs became quite expected, since her waist was hardly noticeable by nature.

Kim Kardashian

WHO Are Celebrities Who Have Removed Their Ribs Trying To Achieve An Ideal Body!
photo: cheatsheet.com

A worthy representative of the stellar family has always denied that she did plastic surgery so that the figure acquired such seductive forms. Kim claims that a thin waist and wide hips are the result of long work in the gym and a special healthy diet. But many experts determined that the operation still was.


WHO Are Celebrities Who Have Removed Their Ribs Trying To Achieve An Ideal Body!

photo on moosegazette.net

This singer in her life has done about 100 different operations on the exterior. And, judging by the early photographs, she managed to change beyond recognition. Removal of ribs was also included in the number of surgical interventions. This operation was carried out 40 years ago and to this day the singer shows an excellent appearance even at her venerable age.

Janet Jackson

The scandalous sister of Michael Jackson is also rumored to have not escaped plastic surgery. But she did them wisely, and many fans still argue whether there was a removal of the ribs or not. Some correction of facial features also took place, judging by earlier photos. Janet herself responds to the attacks of the press that a thin waist is only a merit of sports and proper nutrition.

Raquel Welch

WHO Are Celebrities Who Have Removed Their Ribs Trying To Achieve An Ideal Body!

photo: reddit.com

In the distant 70s, this actress was a popular sex symbol. Tens of thousands of men were in love with her, and even now her photos evoke violent emotions of both old and new fans. This woman had true natural beauty, which even plastic surgery did not ruin. Rumor has it that the star of the movie “One Million Years BC” still went for an operation to remove the ribs, otherwise how to explain such a thin waist.

Pixie Fox

WHO Are Celebrities Who Have Removed Their Ribs Trying To Achieve An Ideal Body!
photo: awesomejelly.com

A lady from cold Sweden is another Barbie Girl who has turned herself into a freaky look of the famous doll. She underwent many different operations, but the most famous of them is the removal of 6 ribs for the thinnest waist of 40 cm. Now the woman is constantly forced to wear a corset to support internal organs. But she considers such a sacrifice justifiable. Now she is famous and has the support of many fans around the world.

Sophia Wollersheim

WHO Are Celebrities Who Have Removed Their Ribs Trying To Achieve An Ideal Body!

photo: izismile.com

A model from Germany from childhood dreamed of becoming like Barbie. She was sure that she was overweight and generally ugly. As soon as the opportunity presented itself, she began to do plastic surgery. She had to remove 4 ribs, but the operations damaged her health. Although she is still involved in various television shows and pleases her fans on Instagram with new interesting photos.

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Amanda Lepore

WHO Are Celebrities Who Have Removed Their Ribs Trying To Achieve An Ideal Body!
photo: dlisted.com

A model from America before the beginning of her popularity was a man. Then, after a series of sex-change operations, she began to turn herself into a beautiful (in her opinion) woman. The operation to remove the ribs was needed in order to become a truly feminine beauty. Numerous fans believe that Amanda managed to the fullest. Now the diva claims that she is the most expensive woman in the world, given the investment in numerous operations.

Rodrigo Alves

WHO Are Celebrities Who Have Removed Their Ribs Trying To Achieve An Ideal Body!

photo: theworldnews.net

Is thin waistline an exclusive female prerogative? No matter how. Some men are convinced otherwise. And Rodrigo Alves is one of them. He decided that the image of Ken – the eternal companion of Barbie – would be to his face and hit into the transformation of himself. He had to do more than 60 plastic surgeries to become like his puppet double. Somehow he was even detained at the border in the United States, when he was carrying his own ribs in his hand luggage, getting rid of them with the help of an operation. And recently, another shocking news spread around the media – the showman decided to become like Barbie, and what he still does with his appearance is not yet known.

Would you go for such an operation? Write us in the comments!

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